Birth Control Pills Create Mutant Trout!

The use of birth control pills are starting to become more prominently used in the continental US, with the statistics showing that more and more people are using it. There are reports of side effects and unusual reactions to them, but these are generally considered to be a natural part of the process. After all, any medication, even herbal and natural ones, can result in someone experiencing potentially harmful or uncomfortable side effects. However, most of these medications are not found to have any profound effect on anyone or anything else, aside from the person taking the medication. However, there are some signs that show birth control pills may be responsible for mutations and “alterations” to the natural environment.

It has been recently discovered that the hormones contained and triggered by birth control pills, once washed into natural water supplies, can have an effect on aquatic life. The most dramatic, and most recent, example being the discovery of mutated trout in a stream near Boulder, Colorado. While it wasn't unusual for a vast majority of the trout population to be female, the fact that 101 females were present in contrast to 12 males was rather disturbing. Some experts have commented that such drastic differences could pose difficulty in properly maintaining the population. However, even more alarming were the 10 samples that exhibited both male and female physical characteristics.

Initially, these 10 mutations were taken as natural occurrences, but further investigation found that these creatures developed their unusual traits due to exposure to high levels of estrogen and progesterone. It took time, but it was eventually traced back to the various birth control pills and other hormone-based medication being used by the human population in Boulder. This isn't a limited problem, however, with reports coming in about similar mutations and effects on a variety of other species coming in from all over the US.  In particular, rainbow trout male fertility is found to drop to an alarmingly low level because of exposure to the synthetic estrogen found in a number of birth control medications.

While this may seem utterly unimportant in the face of larger issues, some environmentalists say that there might be more to this problem than some people assume. The levels of estrogen and other synthetic hormones in the water may not have a direct effect on human beings now, but as the use of birth control increases and more of these hormones are washed into the water supply through human sewage, the problem can only get worse. Also, it is believed that the main reason that nobody has noted the effects of these high levels of synthetic hormones in the water on humans is that nobody has actually conducted a serious study on the effects of it yet.

However, some politically astute observers will note that this is unlikely to be made a major environmental issue. Unlike the debate between genetically modified crops and organically grown ones, this issue is intrinsically tied with an aspect of people's lives that most organizations would be unwilling to meddle in. Some believe that the debate will come down to sex education and sexual health against environmental preservation, with the latter being the most likely loser in the public arena. Of course, that is probably going to be the case until human mutations occur. At which point, some environmentalists and biologists believe, the damage may already be too much to undo.

Beware of False Positives and Fake Generics

onomics plays a central role in shaping people’s views, preferences, choices, and decisions. It can even be said that the concepts of trade and money has already taken root in the collective human psyche. Even something as precious and critical as a person's health often has to bend against the whirlwind of economic concerns. For a vast majority of the population, the existence of cheap generic drugs as substitutes for their more expensive branded counterparts saves both their health and their pockets. The fact that the generic and branded variants differ only in name has made a number of people more willing to go for cheap generic drugs. However, consumers should be aware that low prices can sometimes be a sign of a well-designed scam. Recently, there has been a small wave of cheap generic drugs being sold on the Internet that are nothing more than elaborately packaged sugar pills.
It is true that genuine generics are the same as their branded counterparts. When it comes down to it, both of them work using the same active ingredient and treat the same problems. However, the problem lies in the possibility of getting fake drugs delivered to your doorstep. The medical community has been using placebos for a long time now, usually for research or testing purposes, but also to placate the many medical woes of the occasional hypochondriac. Yet, when cheap generic drugs are actually little more than sugar pills, that invites more trouble than most people would believe. Unfortunately, these situations have become more common than the average consumer should be comfortable with. What's worse is that this particular scam is slowly starting to spread.
Just recently, French authorities seized a shipment of fake, generic anti-impotence pills. The shipment was noted by captured smugglers to be a small one, yet it had an estimated total of 224,000 pills. These drugs often make their way into a person's medicine cabinet by being sold over the Internet, where it is exceedingly easy to sell stuff like this and manage to get away clean as a whistle. Prior to that, Spanish authorities reportedly busted an illegal syndicate that was selling tampered birth control medication. There have been many more incidents of this variety, which don't even take into account the cheap, but theoretically less effective, drugs that are being exported en masse by a number of Chinese pharmaceutical companies.
While there have been no reports of these fake medications being purchased from a real pharmacy or drug store, they are known to be prevalent over the Internet. There are ways to tell if an online pharmacy is legitimate, such as looking for signs or seals that note verification from trusted business authorities. Another sign that a pharmacy is legitimate would be the contact information. By all rights, a legitimate company is required by most countries to put up a mailing address, an e-mail address, and a contact number for their customers. The presence of such information is no guarantee that a website is legitimate, but it can help in verifying a site's authenticity. The rule of thumb is that if you can't contact anyone via the phone line, or if you get through a little too easily, then the website is most likely a scam.

Bionic Men: Using Mechanical Devices to Cure Impotence

Over the last few years, impotent men around the world have relied on some little blue pills to help them obtain and maintain their erections. But the pills are not without their complications. Some men experience side effects while taking oral phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors such as Viagra (sildenafil), Cialis (tadalafil) and Levitra (vardenafil). These side effects can range from headache, flushing of the face and body, indigestion, runny nose, palpitations, nausea, vomiting, muscle pains and vision disturbances. These medications are also contraindicated for patients taking nitrate-based drugs or alpha-blockers, because interaction with PDE5 inhibitors can be fatal. Viagra has also been reported to cause permanently impaired vision or even blindness in some patients. Other drug treatments available involve direct injections to the penis or shooting pellets down the urinary pipe, both of which can be unpleasant for patients. It is because of these side effects from drug treatments that some men prefer to explore other possibilities such as mechanical or surgical methods to deal with their condition. 

There are a number of mechanical devices available to aid impotent men, such as vacuum pumps, penis rings and vibrators. Vacuum pumps are cylinders that fit over the penis, which allow the user to draw up blood to the member by sucking out the air. Once the member is engorged, a specially designed penis ring can be fitted on to the base of the shaft to help stop the blood from draining back to the body. Vibrating devices can also be used to vitalize the male member either by direct contact or by stimulating the prostate. Some men may feel too embarrassed to purchase such devices because of a social stigma attached to them. However, privacy issues can be dealt with by ordering these through the Internet.

On the other hand, surgery is a much more drastic step to take when dealing with impotence. Surgery usually has one of three goals: to implant a device that can cause the penis to become erect; to reconstruct arteries to increase flow of blood to the penis; or to block off veins that allow blood to leak from the penile tissues. Prostheses are mechanical devices that surgeons insert into the penis to allow men to manually raise or inflate the penis for sexual intercourse and to lower it afterwards. Patients can choose to have either a flexible sterile rod put into the shaft or an inflatable implant that comes with its own fluid reservoir and pump, although the latter is preferred because it leaves the penis into a more natural state. Possible problems can occur as with many other implants, such as bleeding, infection and the breakdown of the mechanical device although the latter has been somewhat limited because of recent technological advances. 

There are cases of impotence that benefit from penile arterial revascularization. It is designed to keep blood flowing by rerouting it around a blocked or injured vessel at the base of the shaft, usually due to a pelvic fracture or blunt trauma. This procedure is recommended for men under the age of 45 with no known risk factors for atherosclerosis, a condition where progressive thickening and hardening of the walls of medium-sized and large arteries as a result of fat deposits on their inner lining. Surgeons microscopically connect nearby arteries to keep the blood circulating into the penis.

On the other hand, venous ligation surgery is done to correct leaking veins. This leakage decreases the amount of blood to the penis, thereby resulting in a diminished erection. Surgeons intentionally block off problem areas to ensure that the appropriate amount of blood is trapped to create an erection. However, ligation only has a 50% long term success rate so it is rarely used to correct impotence. 

Patients who are considering vascular surgery should be aware that it is still widely regarded as experimental and may not be covered by your health insurance. There are also conditions that can exclude men from being a candidate for surgery, such as insulin-dependent diabetes, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and tobacco use. The procedures can also cause penile scarring(fibrosis), numbness or some pain.  

It is important to discuss the possible complications with your doctor before consenting to any type of surgery. Also, because of the experimental nature of the procedures, not all urologists may be trained to perform the delicate surgery. If necessary, get a second opinion. It might be a better idea to try non-surgical treatment options before attempting anything invasive. Most importantly, don't forget that the brain is the primary sexual organ in the body. Being open with your partner about the condition and exploring other avenues of pleasure can be just as beneficial to you as any medical procedures.

Bladder Cancer And The Effects Of Colon Cleansing

You have probably heard about some of the many ways that you can cleanse your colon, but you may not understand the benefit of colon cleansing.  There are many reasons that you are going to want to have a colon cleansing done at least every couple of years.  
Herbs are good in intestinal cleansing since they get rid of pounds of foul smelling food debris that have been stocked inside the colon.  Often colon cleansing can take up to a month and there are products that are very effective such as powers, teas, and pills.  Increase your level of exercise to assist in eliminating constipation and speed up detoxification and colon cleansing.  
Increase the fiber in your diet and include whole grains, fruits and vegetables to help activate colon cleansing and constipation relief.  For detoxifying or cleansing the colon, it is also important to include probiotics in your diet in order to replenish the good bacteria in the intestines.  Many people swear to the fact that after years of self-medication and doctor visits, a colon cleansing is what finally cured them of many of the diseases they were suffuring from for years.  
As the awareness of colon cleansing is reaching more and more people, new methods of colon cleansing are also available.  A colon cleansing kit consist of a 3 part system. The tea, powder, and the pills as mentioned above. But far from the only thing on the market.   
Constipation is caused by so many different contributing factors that it is very challenging to come up with a colon cleansing recipe that will work fairly widely.  Juice fasting is a great way of cleansing the colon. The second way is to use cleansing herbal formulas which often contain herbs that are known to kill parasites, reactivate the peristalsis (muscular action of the colon) and eliminate mucus and compacted feces from the sides of the colon wall.  
Often the colon wall muscles will expand and lose tone.  Good colon health implies the proper and adequate functioning of the colon and toxic-free state of the colon.  
The best thing to do is to make sure that you are having a colon cleansing done every couple of years so that you are not going to have any complications in the near future because of all the toxins that you may be taking in.  Please remember that it is important to consult a medical practitioner for advice before you start a colon cleansing program.  Happy colon health to you, and please visit my websites to learn more about colon detoxification cleansing.

Birth Control Methods Don't Always Fight STDs

Sexually transmitted diseases are something that should be considered a major concern whenever sex education is the topic. These diseases can vary from the mild to the life-threatening, and while most people are aware of their existence, most are unaware of just how much risk they might be in. For the most part, unexpected and unwanted pregnancies are the foremost concern, such that birth control methods can sometimes be heavily emphasized. In the effort to prevent STDs from spreading, this does not always have to be a negative thing. Some birth control methods can help reduce the risk of STDs, though not all of them can do so. It is then important that people be made aware of which birth control methods reduce the risk of STDs and which ones don't, allowing them to make better informed decisions.

Birth control pills, intrauterine devices, and the so-called Natural Family Planning (NFP) methods all do not reduce the risks of STD transmission. In the first two cases, the distinction is absolute, as neither of them blocks the exchange of bodily fluids that may carry the diseases. In the case of NFP, the distinction is less all-encompassing, since these methods generally involve a complete lack of exchange of bodily fluids for certain intervals. However, NFP's main flaw is that it only provides protection while there is no direct sexual contact with an infected person’s genitals, blood, and bacteria or virus-carrying body fluids, but it leaves a person exposed to possible infection the moment any sexual contact is made. So while there may be a reduced risk of pregnancy, the risks of STD infection are no lower than if NFP had not been used.

Spermicides are generally effective at preventing conception, but not for removing the risk of STDs. Risk for STDs is still present since by the time the average spermicide has been used, STD infection may already have spread. According to some studies, there is actually an increased risk of STD infection from using spermicidal products in comparison to other known forms of birth control. These studies have not yet had their results confirmed beyond reasonable doubt. However, most doctors prefer to err on the side of caution.

Condoms, diaphragms, and other forms of contraception that involve blocking the release of bodily fluids and sexual secretions from one person to another are the methods that help prevent STD infection. Most STDs are transferred via bodily fluids such as semen, vaginal secretions, and the like. Birth control methods that prevent the transfer of such substances during intercourse, or block the fluids from reaching the partner's body, can therefore reduce STD risk. Absolute abstinence also prevents STD infection, but only for as long as the abstinence is maintained. It should be noted that, aside from abstinence, most birth control methods that rely on blocking the exchange of fluids do not have the ability to prevent pregnancy completely at the same time. It is therefore advisable to use a more effective form of birth control as additional security.

Procedures such as vasectomies and tubal ligations do not prevent STD infection, even if they do prevent the onset of pregnancy. This is because, while both procedures block the ability of sperm and egg cells from making contact with one another, they do not prevent the release of other fluids. Not all STDs are carried through body fluids, so preventing them from escaping the body alone is not enough to prevent an infection.